The French term Bon Vivant literally means “one who lives well” and refers to a person who enjoys the good things of life.
A Bon Vivant is a free spirit who enjoys spending time with other people and has refined tastes, particularly with respect to food & drink. It means being sophisticated – having a knowledge and understanding of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience. It also means being tolerant and respectful of people who are different from us.
Here are 10 tips to living life well:

The way you dress is one of the most powerful forms of self-expression and can be the driving factor on a person’s first impression. Make sure you’re in control and allow your look to portray who you truly are. As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “The apparel oft proclaims the man”.
Clothes don’t have to be expensive to look expensive – it’s all in how they are worn. Pay attention to detail and seek out quality. Above all, dress appropriately for the occasion and be prepared to do so. The world is getting more casual by the day, and I am good with that, but it doesn’t mean everyone shouldn’t have dress attire at the ready.

A really good meal is one of life’s greatest pleasures as it involves all five senses at one time. It is like hedonism on a plate.
Sample different cuisines as often as you are able and find at least something that you enjoy in each.
Limit your exposure to highly processed and “fast foods” – they are not worth your time. Your body needs and deserves better. There is too much flavorful food out there to have a bad meal.
“People who love to eat are always the best people.” – Julia Child

Keep your mind (and ears) open. Old and new, there is always something interesting and entertaining to listen to. Exploring the vast world of music allows you to experience various cultures and traditions and connect with other generations. Jazz, Salsa, Raggaeton, Fado, Blues, Folk, Opera – know what they are, what makes them unique and how to appreciate each genre.
I’m a huge believer in the power of music. It can bring people together, it can change a person’s mood, it can control the energy of a crowd and it can even help keep you young. There is nothing quite as potent as a familiar and beloved song to bring back vivid memories from a specific period in your life.

Surround yourself with interesting and intriguing people – especially those with unusual occupations, exceptional conversational ability and entertaining personalities. If you want to have fun, hang out with fun people.
How boring life would be to live only in a small circle of like-minded friends from similar backgrounds. It is a gift to be able to fit in and feel comfortable in diverse settings with people of all ethnicities, belief systems and socioeconomic classes. You can learn something new from everyone.

Go to museums and galleries and expose yourself to the world of art. Read about it. Look at it. Immerse yourself. The more you are exposed, the more your mind will grow. Art in all its various forms can convey emotion, document history, challenge beliefs and explore new concepts. You can find art everywhere from paintings, sculptures and photography to product design, fashion and architecture. You don’t have to love all art, but you can appreciate it for what it is and find which mediums and works move your spirit.

Let’s face it, travel makes everyone a better person. When done right, travel makes you more interesting, it makes you smarter, it makes you more tolerant and it makes you happy. It exposes you to different cultures and traditions, offers the opportunity for new culinary experiences, can help you relax and can introduce you to interesting people.
I’m a firm believer in being a collector of people, but I don’t understand the current obsession of “collecting countries”. To hear someone drone on about how many countries and continents they have been to is about as interesting as hearing about how much money they made in the stock market. Tell me the incredible experiences you’ve had, the exotic sights that you’ve seen and the fascinating characters you’ve met along the way and you’ve got my undivided attention.

Know what wine goes with food. Use the proper utensil for each dish. Never show up empty-handed when you’re a guest in someone’s home. Learn people’s names. Always RSVP. Make eye contact when speaking. Always be on time for dinner. Use your phone sparingly in public and never at the table. Know when to shake hands, when to kiss cheeks and when to bow. Learn how to use chopsticks. Be polite to servers. Tip. Open doors. Say “Thank you”.

Follow the news and keep up with world events. It is not only important to be well-educated, but also well-learned and well-informed. Strive to be a lifelong student of the world, always seeking to learn new ideas, concepts and skills. Keep your mind open… and active.

The amount of money you have is secondary to the type of lifestyle you lead. It’s not about how much is in your wallet, it is about what you do with it. Spending money on experiences or items that align with your values can increase your overall potential for happiness.
Money buys freedom. It helps you have fun. It can do a lot of good, but it is not the end game.
Wouldn’t you rather spend an evening laughing with a group of friends about all the crazy things you’ve done as opposed to discussing how much money you’ve made (or inherited) and how you can make more?

Contrary to popular belief, the reason to drink an alcoholic beverage is not necessarily to get drunk. That is actually the worst outcome from an evening of imbibing. Wine complements a fine meal and enhances a good conversation. A well-made cocktail tickles the tastebuds and relaxes the soul. A few beers can enhance an enjoyable afternoon with friends.
Find your go-to drink and get to learn how you work together. Know your limits.
Always keep a well-stocked bar and be prepared to mix a proper drink when called upon.
Know which wines you like and which you don’t.
And… never turn down a glass of champagne when offered.